About Tuya:
Tuya is the Mother of Ramesses II and Tia. She is actually born from the Wadjet side of the snake family but once in a while would be cursed to bring about an Apep child into the world as a curse. Tias powers were not shown until later in life. Though she kept herself hidden because if the family knew she was Apep she would have been murdered on the spot. It wasn't until the ruler of Anubis was called out, Tia utterly upset thinking she should have been Queen, and disgusted by the Mau family, her little brother always staring at the girl with white hair. When Tia controlled both Tuya and Seti, they decided to seal her away, for how long they hoped forever.
About Seti I:
Seti the King of Anubis was a real ladies man. He loved getting down with lots of girls. Though he loved his main wife Tuya more than any of them. However there was one that happened to get in the pathway of their love, but he chose to keep away from then banish her after finding out she was pregnant with his child, the baby was called Seth. Thema cried holding her child and defenseless self against the world trying to make amends while surviving. Seth saw how much his Mother has suffered because of the King and he wanted to take revenge, kill the son named Anubis so they could take the throne and live a righteous life, the life they should have originally lived. Seti realized his mistakes and decided to teach his son a great lesson so he can be a greater King than he was. His goal was set until he and his wife were killed by the Isfet, as the Isfet took over possessing their only son.
About Thema
Thema was originally a girl who lived on the streets. She was an entertainer who worked for a survival living and liked to please her customers with a dance and rile them up. One day she met Seti I and she didn't realize until later he was the King. She entertained him as he was really drunk from all the drinking he did. Then they met quite a while under secrecy. One day she found out she was pregnant and went to tell the King as she got near but not near his wife, Seti couldn't stomach upsetting the woman (Tuya) he loved so he banished both Thema and the unborn Seth/Set from the Anubian Palace courts and the city. Later she raised Seth doing hard labor as she was in so much pain she would cry at night. Seth started to notice his mother trying to stay strong for both of them and that was when one day he would seek that throne from Seti I for revenge and make sure his mother lived in the riches she deserved.
Sailor Wenet
Wenet is known as the rabbit of time, the swift one and also called Rabiah. She is a very hyper rabbit, loves to eat carrots and makes an appearance near the end of the fanfic. She can forward time a little or backwards which if used too much can harm the present. Wenet has seen it all, she can run super fast that she runs through time undetected and shes aware of all of the future and past of each person because shes seen it. She is the main reason Nefertari/Sailor Mau lived long enough to defeat the Isfet/Chaos after being affected with the Apophis curse.