About Isis:
Isis is the younger sister to Horus II. She and her family were always into crafting objects and using magic. Her brother however wasn't so serious about his role in life. Unlike his parents, Isis supported her Brother in every single way possible, she loved his tricks. After Horus ran away Isis never saw her brother much anymore, but she then saw him again. He was happy and married to the Queen of Mau; Lady Rehema. Soon after a while, Isis cried and broke down just as much as Rehema did, losing her older brother; Rehema her first husband. Hathor was only still a small little infant at this time. Saddened by this they remembered about the Ankh Oasis which held a mysterious cauldron that could revive a star or end it, both Isis and Rehema left to revive her brother. But when getting there, Isis had a change of heart. My brother would much rather have another defender of this planet to help the others out in a time of crisis, thus Nephthy's was born.